Art Deco: House Decoration like No Other!

December 16, 2022
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Attractive, luxurious, a trademark style

Hello and thank you for joining us once again on the PropertyScout blog! Today, we will be introducing you to an approach in house decoration which some are and aren't familiar with and that is the Art Deco approach of house decorations. The Art Deco approach in house decorations will require some artistic knowledge and great precision as well as attention to detail when it comes to furniture choices and arrangements for striking aesthetics. Moreover, Art Deco also involves some mathematics (particularly geometry), allowing for an interior decorated like no other.

What is the Art Deco style?

Art Deco is, in art, a transitional period from classical to modernism, dating back to 20th century France (around 1925-1939). The defining characteristic of this art style is emphasis on simplistic lining, which was conceptualized thanks to newfound interest in more robust geometric shapes. Moreover, present-day artists have created pieces responding to the revolution of various fields such as social, political, and scientific events.

The Art Deco style specializes in stylistic use of colors while maintaining simplistic lining patterns, giving a luxury feeling with unique beauty. Most importantly, different eras' stylistic qualities are blended thanks to the use of creamy beige, brown, or black & white colors. On the other hand, liveliness can also be achieved through various combinations of bright reds, yellows, blues, emerald greens, or metallic colors. Not only do these colors give off the Art Deco vibes, but it also helps the house look more lively and reflect true art beautifully.


What are some of the Decorations?

Flooring materials

Art Deco flooring materials specialize in wood such as polished parquet, hardwood, or geometric shape-patterned linoleum. For those who would like to carpet the floor, consider trying an African-style, Safari-striped design or it would go even greater with geometric shaped designs. These shapes and designs, in black and white (such as a zebra-patterned carpet), will really help accentuate household objects and decorations as looking more premium as well.

An example of Art Deco-inspired flooring. Source:

Walls & Ceilings

Usually, colors for walls in Art Deco style involve flatter, simplistic colors such as black/white, brown, or cream, and are commonly done in glossy finish to brighten up the rooms. There may also be some wallpapers decorated with geometric shapes or zigzags in order to add more uniqueness to the walls. As for ceilings in Art Deco style, stenciled borders is an option for striking uniqueness.

Example of glossy finish helping the room pop more. Source:

Interior Colors

When it comes to interior coloring in Art Deco style, colors originally range from black/white, brown, or cream like ceilings and walls. In the present, however, brighter colors have since been introduced as alternatives for interior colors. Allowing for stylistic room aesthetics are colors such as bright red, yellow, orange, emerald green, reddish purple, or even lavender purple. On the other hand, metallic colors such as gold, silver, royal blue, or grey are also a key element of Art Deco style and adds more detail as well as a shine to make the room pop more.

Brighter colors are now being used in Art Deco-styled interiors. Source:

The Furniture

Most of the Art Deco-style furniture made of wood are made in geometric shapes, while chairs, sofas, or armchairs utilize more delicate patterns, giving off an Art Nouveau vibe. Other furniture such as reception tables, dining tables, shelves, or different kinds of cupboards tend to be accompanied by mirrors or other forms of metalwork for more detail, allowing for a more premium feel.

Chairs, armchairs, and sofas in Art Deco style. Source:

What are Frameless Mirrors?

Art Deco-style mirrors tend to take on the form of geometric shapes such as squares, circles, ovals, and are frameless. In some cases, there may also be additional decorations such as metalwork or touches of color for more detail.

A frameless mirror inkeeping with Art Deco style. Source:

Are there any additional decorations possible?

Most of the time, any Art Deco-style decorations allows the room to be more spacious and allowing natural lighting to enter the room, and is relatively simplistic such as installing curtains which aren't the most intricately detailed yet still maintaining its geometric pattern or using decorative pieces of cloth to hang on poles above the windows.

Decorations right y the window in Art Deco style. Source:


All in all, Art Deco is nothing short of a stylistic design choice to make your house stand out like no other. It's worth noting though that using the Art Deco style for decorations will require very specific luxurious furniture, which will be very costly. That said, before proceeding with decorations, please carefully consider your lifestyle choices and desires. Nevertheless, regardless of whichever style you take after for your home, you are definitely free to make redesigns and alterations as you would like. In the meantime, let us know what you think in the comments below and thank you for sticking around and reading from the very beginning until the very end. See you in the next blog!

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