Greening up Your Home: Find the Perfect Grass for Your Lawn!

May 15, 2023

A lush and vibrant lawn is the pride of any homeowner, but with so many types of grass to choose from, it can be hard to know which one is right for you. In this post, we'll explore the best grasses for your lawn, taking into account factors like climate, soil type, and maintenance needs. So let's dig in and find the perfect green for your home!

Why the Grass Selection Matters

When it comes to creating a beautiful and functional lawn, choosing the right type of grass is key. With so many different species to choose from, it can be overwhelming to know where to start. However, by considering the intended use of your lawn - whether it's for relaxation or entertainment - you can narrow down your options and select a grass that suits your needs. In this blog post, we'll take a closer look at the top grass species for lawns in Thailand, evaluating their pros and cons and identifying which grass is the best fit for your unique situation.

Types of Grasses that are suitable for the lawn

Manila Grass

Manila Grass, a native Thai species, is highly favored for front yard landscaping in Thailand. This grass variety can thrive in high-traffic areas, endure extended exposure to sunlight, and demands minimal maintenance, making it an ideal option for busy homeowners. Additionally, Manila Grass has fast growth rates, ensuring that your lawn will look lush and green in no time.

Bermuda Grass

Bermuda grass, scientifically known as "Cynodon dactylon," is a grass species that is well-known for its use on golf courses due to its fine, soft leaves and high tolerance to foot traffic. This grass can endure harsh weather conditions such as heat and flooding, making it adaptable to various environments.

However, Bermuda grass has uses beyond just golf courses. It is also commonly used as a lawn grass in residential areas. However, one should be aware that Bermuda grass grows very rapidly, requiring frequent mowing, and regular maintenance is needed to keep it looking its best. As a result, this type of grass is most suitable for those who have the time and inclination to maintain a healthy lawn.

Japanese Grass

Japanese grass is a popular option for decorative landscaping as it offers exceptional beauty and can tolerate strong sunlight in Thailand. However, it's not the best option for high-traffic areas due to its low resistance to trampling. Its drawbacks include the need for frequent trimming to prevent clumping and difficulty in cutting when left to grow too long. Additionally, it's not ideal for cold weather conditions. Overall, Japanese grass is a great choice for homeowners looking to add aesthetic value to their landscape, as long as they are willing to put in the time and effort to maintain its appearance.

Malaysian Grass

Malaysian grass is a favored grass variety for lawns because of its resilience and effortless growth. It can tolerate sunlight similar to Bermuda and Japanese grasses, but it thrives better in shady conditions.

Planting the grass

If you have a lawn in the front or back of your house that isn't too large, planting grass can be a convenient and easy task. Additionally, enlisting the help of other residents in your home can further expedite the process.

1.Prepare Space

When it comes to planting grass, it's essential to prepare the area first. This involves clearing out any weeds or unwanted plants that are currently growing. Afterward, it's crucial to ensure that the area is level. If it's not level, you can add soil or sand to balance it out, preventing water from collecting in certain areas.

2.Prepare Soil

Preparing the soil is crucial to ensure the successful growth of grass. The first step is to mix planting soil with coarse sand to create a nutrient-rich mixture that will allow the grass to take root. Once the mixture is ready, spread it evenly over the area where the grass will be planted, ensuring that it forms a layer that is about one inch thick. Afterward, it's essential to check that the surface is level and make any necessary adjustments to ensure an even distribution. A level surface will prevent water from pooling and help the grass grow healthily.

3.Lay the grass

After preparing the soil, the next step is to install the grass by laying down grass sheets. It's important to make sure the sheets are placed tightly together and cover the entire area. Once the installation is complete, water the grass immediately and thoroughly to prevent dehydration and promote healthy root growth.


For the first few weeks after planting, grass requires plenty of water to establish properly. To ensure this, it is advisable to water the grass three times a day - in the morning, afternoon, and evening. As the grass starts to take root and grow well, you can gradually reduce the frequency of watering to twice a day - in the morning and evening. However, overwatering can be harmful to the grass, causing waterlogging and eventual death. Thus, it is crucial to water the grass moderately, avoiding excessive watering.

Self-Planting or Paid Service: Which is Better?

If you're considering planting grass in your front or backyard, you might be wondering whether to hire a professional or do it yourself. Both options have their pros and cons. Hiring a professional to lay the grass will cost you around 60-80 baht per square meter, but the quality of work will be high, and it will make maintaining the grass easier in the long run.

On the other hand, if you choose to plant the grass yourself, it is possible, but you should be aware that it may not grow as you expect it to, especially if it's your first time. In that case, you may have to re-plant it. However, doing it yourself will save you money and provide a fun activity for your family to enjoy together.


In conclusion, having a green lawn can greatly enhance the beauty and value of your home. By considering factors such as climate, soil type, and maintenance requirements, you can choose the perfect grass for your lawn. Whether you decide to hire a professional or take on the challenge yourself, the end result will be worth it. So go ahead, green up your home and enjoy the benefits of a lush, healthy lawn!

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