What to know before building a Raw Cement Wall at home

November 2, 2023
What to know before building a Raw Cement Wall at home
What is a Raw Cement Wall?ProsConsBottom Line

The "loft style" house has become a prevalent architectural trend. They have carried over to various condominium projects, cafes, resorts, and hotels. This style contributes to the creation of a distinct, raw, and stylish ambiance. A key feature is the use of raw cement walls, which many homeowners choose to integrate. Today, we will delve into raw cement walls, their pros and cons, and how you can use them at home.

What is a Raw Cement Wall?

A raw cement wall features authentic plaster texture without paint. When incorporating this design into homes, there are two main methods. You can cast raw cement by pouring concrete into an existing mold, which entails higher costs. You can also use bricks to create the wall and apply a plaster layer over other wall materials.


A raw cement wall has its fair share of benefits and drawbacks. Let's now start with the positives.


One key advantage of a raw cement wall is its durability, derived from the inherent strength of the plaster. Usually, the core structure of a raw cement wall involves the use of steel or wood, enhancing its sturdiness. Opting for a raw cement wall construction guarantees a solid and long-lasting wall and structure.

Easy Care and Maintenance

Another benefit of a raw cement wall is its effortless maintenance, as it doesn't require specialized cleaning solutions that other wall types need. There is no need for specific precautions or complex maintenance procedures, especially in homes with visible electrical wiring or structural elements inherent to loft-style designs. This feature simplifies the management and upkeep of other areas of the house.

Simplistic Beauty

Building a home with a raw cement wall radiates a stylish, unrefined, and understated elegance. If a minimalistic approach is favored, its innate beauty takes center stage. Still, for individuals seeking diverse styles and decorations, it is easily adaptable to accommodate the homeowner's preferences. Furthermore, it facilitates the seamless and visually appealing arrangement of furniture, such as sofas, wooden tables, rugs, and even picture frames, allowing for the integration of various styles to suit the homeowner's tastes.

Can be Modified

Houses with raw cement walls embrace a loft-style layout. This involves expansive, interconnected living spaces over segmented rooms. The uniform presence of these raw cement walls facilitates room reconfigurations and adjustments. This characteristic empowers residents to adapt various functionalities within the home. Individuals averse to rigid structures will find this home style appealing.


Now that we've taken a look at the positives of a raw cement wall, let's now take a look at the negatives.

Heat and Humidity Absorption

In loft-style homes with raw cement walls, an abundance of doors and windows is very common. This is because cement is proficient in absorbing heat and moisture. Consequently, those choosing to construct raw cement walls must prioritize a reliable system for regulating heat and humidity. Insufficient heat ventilation can result in uncomfortably warm interiors, while inadequate humidity ventilation can lead to wall swelling, potential damage to furniture, and even rusting on steel.

Susceptible to Cracking

Another aspect to be mindful of when building raw cement walls is the potential for wall cracks. Try to prevent and address any wall cracks during the construction process. Raw cement walls are susceptible to cracking, and if these cracks emerge, the visual appeal of the house walls will be compromised, presenting a considerable challenge for rectification. This stands in contrast to other wall types that can be repainted or patched up using specialized products to address the cracks.

Expertise is required for plastering

Achieving a smooth and stylish plastered raw cement wall requires a high level of expertise. Thus, if an inexperienced craftsman is tasked with the job, the envisioned stunning raw cement wall may not turn out as expected.

You must decorate the wall to enhance its beauty

While you can decorate a raw cement wall, their raw appearance might not achieve the desired aesthetic if the adornments do not fit. It is crucial not only to decorate the walls but also to ensure that the furniture placement aligns seamlessly; otherwise, the house may appear mismatched and aesthetically unpleasing.

Susceptible to Echoing

Due to the open and unpartitioned layout of raw cement walls, echoes can reverberate within the house. Individuals sensitive to such sounds may not favor the loft-style homes with raw cement walls.

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Bottom Line

Using raw cement walls can be seen as a budget-friendly home decorating option, offering a loft-style house a sleek, unrefined, and contemporary look. This method presents both pros and cons, as discussed. So, the decision to integrate it into particular sections of the house depends on the homeowner's preferences.

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