10 Tactics to help Keep Pigeons away from Your Balcony or Rooftop

May 30, 2023
10 Tactics to help Keep Pigeons away from Your Balcony or Rooftop
Pigeon repellent & prevention tipsConclusion

If you've ever found yourself locked in a never-ending struggle with pigeons invading your precious balcony or rooftop, fret not, for help is at hand. In this blog post, we're unleashing ten ingenious tactics that will have those pesky pigeons flapping away in defeat. Say goodbye to their unwelcome droppings, relentless cooing, and intrusive pecking. From innovative deterrents to clever strategies, we've got you covered. Get ready to reclaim your outdoor space and restore tranquility to your balcony or rooftop oasis. It's time to outsmart these winged adversaries and make your property a pigeon-free zone. Let's dive into the ultimate arsenal of pigeon-banishing techniques and bid those bothersome birds a swift farewell!


Pigeon repellent & prevention tips

Sprinkle pepper powder in the area favored by pigeons

This is another scent that pigeons dislike, so many people prefer to repel pigeons using this method. By sprinkling pepper powder in the area frequented by pigeons, whether it's their roosting spot, nesting area, or where they leave droppings, the scent will discourage them. You can either sprinkle the powder or simply place it there to emit a strong odor. Once they sense it, pigeons will eventually fly away and disappear.

Hang wind chimes to create sound when the wind blows

Hanging wind chimes creates sound when the wind blows. This startles pigeons, as they are sensitive to sudden noises and movement. When wind or the flapping wings of pigeons come close to the wind chimes, it creates a sound that surprises the pigeons and makes them fly away. Choose lightweight wind chimes for better sound production when they are touched by the wind, and opt for those with reflective surfaces for added effectiveness.

Hanging decoy birds

When hanging decoy birds, it is crucial to choose larger-sized birds such as hawks or eagles to intimidate pigeons. Similar to using scarecrows in fields to frighten crows away, the principle applies here. Pigeons are naturally wary of larger birds, causing them to eventually fly away in fear.


Utilize pets such as cats and dogs as natural deterrents to chase away pigeons from your balcony/front yard. Even though they are domesticated, their instinct as predators remains intact. It is widely known that these animals enjoy chasing and hunting birds, so you won't need to give them any specific commands. Once they spot pigeons flying down, they will eagerly spring into action, chasing away the pigeons with enthusiasm.

Create a bird deterrent using wire mesh

Use thin wire to vertically attach wire mesh onto the surface of the fence or roof, with approximately 3 inches of spacing between each wire. Secure the mesh tightly to cover the entire area and place it on your balcony or rooftop. The sharp edges of the wire mesh will discourage pigeons from landing when they see it, effectively preventing them from perching.

Put zipties on the balcony

Utilize cable ties or zip ties, which are small plastic strands, to effectively deter pigeons without the need for cutting or modifying the remaining parts. By tightly fastening them along the balcony railing, the protruding ends act as sharp spikes, preventing pigeons from perching. These spikes are not sharp enough to harm or injure humans upon contact. However, it is important to secure them closely to avoid leaving any gaps that would allow pigeons to land.

Hammer nails or staples onto tightly secured wood to help deter pigeons

This method follows the same principle as using wire spikes to deter birds on rooftops and using cable ties to secure balconies. It can be applied for both deterring birds on balconies and rooftops. Using tightly secured wood and nails or staples of appropriate weight that won't be affected by wind, simply hammer the nails or staples onto the wood at regular intervals. Then, hang or place the wood in the desired location. Additional brackets can be used to secure the wood between the balcony floor or rooftop and the wooden panel.

Install a PVC mesh between the balcony and ceiling

Another method to prevent pigeons from flying into the balcony is by installing a mesh net. Use a PVC-coated mesh net to tightly cover the gap between the ceiling and the balcony floor. However, if you don't want the net to obstruct the view, you can opt for a transparent PVC-coated mesh net instead. It is durable, strong, and allows for better visibility of the outdoor scenery.

Move the pigeons' nests to a safer spot

In addition to pigeons roosting on rooftops or balconies, they also tend to create mess and nests in hidden corners like the plant pots or air conditioner compressors. To get rid of them, simply remove the nests and prevent any leftover materials such as grass or twigs that they use to build nests. When pigeons start rebuilding, promptly address the situation in the same manner. Repeat this process consistently, and eventually, the pigeons will fly away to find alternative nesting spots. However, if there are nests with bird eggs, handle them carefully and relocate them to a safe place, such as trees in a designated area.

Reflect light using a CD

Unbeknownst to many, CDs are actually incredibly effective in shooing away pigeons. Create a DIY pigeon repellent by tying together a bunch of old CDs and hanging them on your balcony or rooftop. As the wind blows, the CDs create both visual and auditory disturbances, effectively scaring off the pesky birds.


By implementing these ten tactics, you can reclaim your balcony or rooftop from pesky pigeons. Whether it's using natural scents they dislike, installing visual deterrents like fake owls or reflective objects, or employing sound-based strategies like wind chimes or CDs, there are plenty of options to choose from. Remember, consistency is key when it comes to pigeon control, so be persistent in applying these tactics. Enjoy your bird-free space and embrace the peace and cleanliness that comes with it. Say farewell to unwanted feathered guests and regain control of your outdoor sanctuary. Your balcony or rooftop will be a haven for relaxation and enjoyment once again, free from the constant presence of pigeons.

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