Living Large or Downsizing: Pros and Cons of Moving to a Smaller House

June 28, 2023
Living Large or Downsizing: Pros and Cons of Moving to a Smaller House
Bigger is Better?BenefitsDrawbacksClosing Comments

In recent times, more and more individuals are contemplating the idea of downsizing their living space. Whether it's due to a decrease in household members, a desire to trim expenses and the burden of home maintenance, or simply a craving for a more minimalist lifestyle, the decision to downsize is not one to be taken lightly. We highly recommend a thoughtful evaluation of the advantages and disadvantages of such a move. By comparing what can be gained against what might be sacrificed, this exercise empowers individuals to uncover their true desires and determine whether a transition to a smaller, cozier home is the perfect fit for their needs.

Bigger is Better?

When it comes to your home, size is not the sole factor to consider; it's the ever-changing needs throughout life that truly matter. In the early years of your career, a small house, studio, or one-bedroom condo may be the ideal choice, offering affordability and easy maintenance. As you enter the middle-aged stage, a larger home becomes desirable, providing space for elderly care and future family growth.

As the years go by and retirement age approaches, children grow and leave the nest to start families of their own. In this new chapter, many individuals find themselves questioning the necessity of their current large home. Uncertainty sets in, prompting them to reconsider the idea of downsizing to smaller homes or condos. However, before taking the leap, it's crucial to thoughtfully evaluate the benefits and drawbacks of such a decision.


  • New Life Experiences

Moving can be likened to venturing outside of one's comfort zone and entering a brave new world filled with unfamiliar faces and surroundings. It's a leap into the unknown, where one may initially feel uneasy. However, over time, one might find solace and even comfort in their new neighbors.

  • Promoting Closer Bonds Among Household Members

In the realm of limited living spaces, a remarkable phenomenon unfolds—the fostering of stronger relationships among household members. The constrained area acts as a catalyst, creating boundaries that encourage frequent encounters and meaningful engagements. Within these intimate confines, individuals seize enhanced opportunities to connect, paving the way for deeper connections and flourishing familial bonds.

  • Easier care & maintenance

When having a large house and multiple rooms, it necessitates more time and attention for maintenance, not to mention the exterior areas of the property as well. If we compare it to owning a small-sized house, it becomes clear that the burden of taking care of a large house is much more pronounced.

  • Reduced household expenses and fees

When the living space is larger and there are more residents, it results in an increased electricity demand. It is evident that a large house requires a larger electrical meter to support the usage of electrical appliances in line with the larger area. Additionally, if air conditioning units are installed, they need to be selected based on the room size. Larger rooms will require a higher electricity load.

  • Helps sorting out unnecessary or unused items

Living in a spacious house often means having ample storage space. However, downsizing presents a golden opportunity to declutter and distinguish between essential and unnecessary items. It enables us to embrace a more minimalist lifestyle and make a positive impact by donating unused belongings to charitable causes or passing them on to loved ones who may benefit from them in the future.


  • Difficulties finding a home that suits you and your family

Deciding to move is an exciting journey, but it also comes with important questions: Where is the ideal place that aligns with our lifestyle and fulfills our requirements? It goes beyond mere convenience, accessibility, amenities, or affordability. The true essence lies in our willingness to adapt and embrace the learning experience of transitioning into a smaller home—one that offers the same level of comfort as our previous larger abode.

  • Moving Fees and Expenses

Exploring the path of downsizing your home can be a smart move to boost your savings. However, it's crucial to be well-prepared for the financial consequences and potential expenses that come with it. The journey involves a series of financial considerations, from putting your current home on the market and navigating the transfer of ownership to finding a new, smaller home. These steps can incur various costs, such as transfer fees, income taxes, moving expenses, renovation budgets, and more. To make a successful transition, careful evaluation and strategic financial planning are essential.

  • Lifestyle changes ahead

When deciding to embrace a smaller home, it's important to acknowledge that certain aspects of our lifestyle may need to change. After the move, we might not have the same spacious front yard to enjoy fresh air or engage in outdoor activities as before. Additionally, there may no longer be a backyard pool for hosting parties with friends and family. However, downsizing opens up new possibilities and encourages us to explore alternative ways to maintain a fulfilling lifestyle within our smaller living space.

  • Possible distancing from family and friends

When making the decision to move, you'll find that it's akin to resigning from your current job to start a new one. Initially, you may need to adapt to the new environment. You might have to be apart from your familiar family and friends and instead meet new people and adjust to a different setting. Moreover, transportation and amenities will also change. Just like starting a new job, moving to a new place requires patience, openness, and a willingness to embrace the changes that come with it.

  • Nostalgia and Sadness

Facing feelings of sadness and nostalgia is a natural part of leaving behind belongings or places we have spent a significant amount of time with. Whether it's personal belongings or a home, it's common to feel a sense of attachment that takes time to dissipate when we have to pack our bags and leave a place filled with countless memories.

Closing Comments

Transitioning from a spacious home to a smaller one can be a daunting adjustment initially. However, with the passage of time, things will undoubtedly get better. It's important to conduct a thorough analysis of the pros and cons, weighing the benefits against the sacrifices. PropertyScout emphasizes the significance of considering whether the move is truly worthwhile for ourselves, our loved ones, and our families. By carefully evaluating these factors, we can confidently navigate the process and embrace the positive changes that await us in our new, cozier abode.

Need a decent-sized home for the best prices possible? Let PropertyScout help you find the right home today!